RAVE Ski Goggles
This may very well be the best evolution of Rave's flagship item: the goggles!
With this next installment of Rave eyewear, to bring forward a cooler, more optimized accessory to your rave ensemble than last year's goggles!
These new Ski Goggles only use a total of 1 material slot and 1 mesh, and they also have special blendshapes to snuggly fit your favorite raving avatar!
Fitted avatars include:
Plus if you get creative with the included blendshapes, they've managed to fit the Mayu and Regulus avatars.
If you want to stay up to date with any updates and promo codes, give my Twitter a follow!
JamesTheMuttz on "𝕏"Installation:
Simply drag and drop the goggles directly onto your avatar, move it to the head bone, adjust blendshapes, swap the material to one you like, and add an On/Off toggle to it via VRCFury or any other means! It's literally that easy!
Branding and Licensing:
If you're a club/venue/host for any sort of event or gathering and want to make a custom variation of any of my products for distribution at an event, please contact me beforehand and we can discuss the details (like event-specific promo codes or model modifications).
Unauthorized distribution of models and/or textures from this product's files is strictly prohibited. However: if you're doing custom avatar commissions, you may share files from this product only if both you and the recipient already own this product.
You MAY NOT re-sell these goggles (whether in part or whole) for profit without prior consent of the creator.
Alternative materials may be created and shared freely with other owners of this product.
This digital product is sold "as is" and is not eligible for refunds. In the case of a faulty/broken download, DM me via Twitter/Discord and I'll gladly help with any issues you may encounter with this product.